
2007 . 2008 . 2009 . 2010 . 2011 . 2012 . 2013 . 2014 . 2015 . 2016 . 2017 . 2018

May, 2024-- Once again we are heading west to our favorite place, Santa Fe. We will be performing at various places in New Mexico for much of the summer, and we will make Santa Fe Skies RV Park our home base during that time. As in previous years, we will do 2 shows a week on the patio. From there, we will travel to CO, OK, TX and eventually make our way back to FL for dates in Nov. and beyond. I (Laurie) will finish up my music classes at Atala Montessori this month; I will resume those classes in the fall. Dana continues to record from the motorhome for various clients. He can do this anywhere in the country, and will probably have recording work throughout the summer. We have lots of new songs, and we need to get them recorded as well. We hope to see you somewhere down the road. Here is a picture of us from Santa Fe Skies.

May, 2024

Once again we are heading west to our favorite place, Santa Fe. We will be performing at various places in New Mexico for much of the summer, and we will make Santa Fe Skies RV Park our home base during that time. As in previous years, we will do 2 shows a week on the patio. From there, we will travel to CO, OK, TX and eventually make our way back to FL for dates in Nov. and beyond. I (Laurie) will finish up my music classes at Atala Montessori this month; I will resume those classes in the fall. Dana continues to record from the motorhome for various clients. He can do this anywhere in the country, and will probably have recording work throughout the summer. We have lots of new songs, and we need to get them recorded as well. We hope to see you somewhere down the road. Here is a picture of us from Santa Fe Skies.


Laurie & Dana

Dec, 2023

Hello Dear Friends and Family
Dana and I have never been so happy to see a year come to an end! This has probably been the most trying year ever for us, mainly because of recurring health issues. Back in April, we both went to the ER--Dana for drug-induced liver failure (combining prednisone and erythromycin), and me for a ruptured appendix and peritonitis. After almost 2 months of recovery, we headed to Santa Fe, NM. We had to cancel many of our summer tour dates, and were unable to do any booking at the time because of the uncertainty of our respective conditions. We started performing every week on the patio of Santa Fe Skies, a stunning RV park located on the outskirts of Santa Fe. We also picked up some gigs around the area, and Dana got recording work and band work with some local musicians. Then in August, I went back into the hospital with a bowel obstruction. I had another surgery, and went through another recovery. We resumed playing, and in October we headed to TX to see some friends. We also performed at a venue in The Woodlands, TX where we had a lovely reunion with my brother and sister-in-law. Upon returning to FL, I went back to teaching music to the children at Atala Montessori. Dana started getting steady recording work, and we were slowly lining up our winter performance dates. On Sunday, Dec. 10th I went back to the ER and then back into the hospital in Miami. Yet another bowel obstruction! Fortunately I did not need surgery this time. I stayed for a week, and am now home recovering. As my brother Chip says, “I hope you’re getting frequent flyer miles for your hospital stays!”. This aging thing ain’t for sissies. As we approach a new year, and a new lease on life, we pray for a return to some kind of sanity in our country. May 2024 see our democracy strengthen and continue on. We wish you good health (!) and a joyful New Year.

Laurie & Dana

June, 2023

Greetings from Santa Fe, NM! We just arrived, and are so happy to be here! Considering what we both went through the past 2 months, we were really not sure if we'd traveling anywhere. We had to cancel a lot of performance dates, but hope to make those up this summer in New Mexico. We will be performing twice a week on the patio of Santa Fe Skies RV Park, one of the most beautiful RV parks in the country. We will also be playing around the state. Please check the calendar as we update it. Below is a picture of a Santa Fe Skies sunset--as beautiful as any in the world.


Laurie & Dana


October, 2022

We head south tomorrow after spending a month in Vermont. Seeing the Fall colors was the highlight of our tour this year! Plus, we got to play some new venues and meet new friends. We hope to return to the Northeast next year. We will be back in South Florida for the winter months where we will be performing around the state, and I (Laurie) will be teaching at Atala Montessori school in Homestead, FL.

Laurie & Dana

New Year

March, 2022

Once again, with the arrival of spring, we see glimmers of hope all around us. People are starting to gather, we are getting more bookings, and a feeling of normalcy is returning. We can only hope that this continues. Although so much is up in the air right now, we are planning to be on the road again this coming summer. Dana has been playing with The Eighteen Wheelers, a terrific classic country/rockabilly band located in South FL. I have been teaching folk songs to the students at Atala Montessori School in Homestead, FL. We are working on some new recordings, and deciding whether to release another CD or not. Thumb drives may be the way of the future. We shall see.

Laurie & Dana

July, 2021

Greetings from Santa Fe Skies. We are back in our favorite place, performing twice a week on the patio. We have upcoming dates in CO and TX before we return to FL in Oct. So glad to be performing indoors as well as outdoors again! Venues are opening back up, and we are thrilled to be able to once again share our music in a live setting. We have a bunch of new songs, including our newest, 'Santa Fe', which we have been performing around the city. We hope to record it as well as many more songs this summer.

Laurie & Dana

New Year

January, 2021

We did it--we made it to the New Year! Happy New Year to all of you! Looking back on 2020, we feel incredibly fortunate for the support you showed us throughout the year. It was as difficult a time as we can remember, but thanks to so much kindness from so many, we were able to survive. We are not yet sure what will happen in 2021, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, and we feel that good things will happen for all of us. We look forward to seeing our friends, sharing our songs, and one day even hugging all of you again! Please stay safe, stay connected, and please wear your masks.

Laurie & Dana

New Year

November, 2020

With Thanksgiving approaching next week, we think back on all that we are grateful for, even in the midst of this horrible year. We have a roof over our head, food on the table, our health, and the incredible support of our friends. However, our hearts are saddened by the loss of so many this past year. We pray for a vaccine and a return to normalcy in 2021. We will be doing some live-stream Facebook shows this winter as well as writing new songs and continuing on our recording projects. We'll keep you updated on our progress. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Laurie & Dana

July, 2020

We are now more than half way through the year from Hell. Thank goodness for that! We are in Santa Fe, NM where we have been for the past 4 weeks. We made arrangements with an RV park to put on 'Socially Distant Sundown Concerts' in exchange for camping, and we've been performing twice a week to an ever-changing group of people. For the most part everyone is respectful of the limits that this virus has imposed. They keep their distance and wear masks. The picture below is from where we are staying--Santa Fe Skies are truly magical! We are hoping to head to Westcilffe, CO next week where we have a private outdoor event. It's really week to week nowadays, as it is for so many. Our hearts go out to our friends in FL and TX who are seeing terrible rises in virus #'s.

Laurie & Dana


June, 2020

Hello from Texas. We are camping with friends in a very remote part of NW TX where we stay socially distant in our motor home; we continue to share our songs and stories via the internet. We have done a Zoom concert, posted some Facebook songs, and also have our 'Songs From the RV' up on our Youtube channel (put in Jennings and Keller on Youtube, and you should find our 'Official Jennings and Keller Youtube channel--please subscribe; it would be helpful). This past Saturday, we did a private event in OK that was outside with 10 people spaced apart, which seems to be the only way live concerts can happen at the moment. After almost 3 months of no live performances, this concert was absolute joy! Even with the required spacing, getting to share our music and have the connection with the audience filled us up to overflowing. We are hoping to do more outdoor events; will know more about that possibility in the coming weeks.

We started a Patreon page a month ago, but didn't know what we were doing. We now know, and we are sharing it with you in hopes that you might want to join. There are 3 tiers of membership, and there are different levels of rewards that come with each tier. You will help us continue on this musical journey that we started together 13 years ago. Covid-19 kicked our collectives asses, and we need help. We will stay connected with all of you, and any who join our Patreon page will get the monthly bonuses listed on that page. If this is something that interests you, please go to the Patreon page below

Thank you.

Please stay safe; please stay healthy. May we come out on the other side of this national nightmare more kind and more understanding of each other. We look forward to connecting to you in whatever way we can.


Laurie & Dana


April, 2020

Greetings from the land of social distance. Like all of you, we never expected such a turn of events. The RV can break down, we can get a flat tire, we pull our backs out or get a cold, and then we go on. But this! Our world brought to a standstill by a virus. Like most of you, we are staying put and riding this thing out. We have started to explore the world of video and social media. We are a bit behind in this area, but we have uploaded some new videos to Facebook, and we are also putting them on YouTube. There are probably numerous other sites where we can present our virtual selves; Facebook and Youtube will suffice for now. Eventually we may even do some live streaming. We have set up a Patreon account, so if you like our music, are enjoying the videos from our RV, and feel so inclined, we'd love any support you can offer. Here is the link to the page: Please stay safe. Be kind to one another, even at 6 ft. apart, and we'll see you on the other side of this.

July, 2019

Greetings from New Mexico! We understand why this state is called 'The Land of Enchantment'. We have been playing around the state for the past month, and it truly does feel enchanted. The beauty is beyond words. The people we have met are as kind and supportive of us as they can be. We will be back. We head to CA where we will reunite once again with Rolfe Wyer and Patrick Feehan, two world-class musicians who are kind enough to lend their considerable talents to our musical endeavors. We have house concerts, farmers markets, wine bars, libraries, listening rooms and more scheduled for July, Aug. and the first half of Sept. We will then make our way across the country to New England!

Photo by Paul LeSage

February, 2019

The months are flying by, as they tend to do more and more nowadays. We are enjoying the sunny days of wintertime in South Florida. Here is a picture of the garden at our home, grown by our good friend Jane. It's the perfect time of year to grow a wide variety of vegetables! We are performing around the state for the next few months. We then head out on the road the beginning of May. We hope to have new songs to share as we make our way from one end of the country to the other. We plan to visit New England this coming Fall--the first time in many years. Keep checking back as well update our calendar.


August, 2018

We are settled in at our friend's farm in the Bay area, busy with rehearsals and concerts and working on new songs. We still find time to visit the stunning California coast. It is a joy to be able to spend time in this most beautiful of settings, and to share our music with so many wonderful people. We have lots of dates scheduled with Rolfe and Patrick--check the calendar for when the 4 of us are playing together.


May, 2018

We have one week to go until we head back out on the road for our 11th year of touring! We are loading up the bus, fixing up anything that needs fixing, advancing the shows, and mapping out our route. Once again we are heading west--it seems to draw us every year, and we will be playing many of the same venues with a few new ones added as well. Our calendar has everything listed with updates happening all the time. This has been a difficult year for many--we are more polarized than at any time in recent history, and it makes for a tense and stressful environment. We can only hope that sanity returns to our country. We will make music, see the beautiful natural places, and hope for peace.


December, 2017

Another year comes to a close, and once again, we are filled with gratitude for all the good things that have come our way in 2017. Our travels were rich with experience, friends, music, and even monetary reward. There is much across this country that divides us, but there is even more that brings us together, and we believe that music plays a big part in that. We are very happy to say that we have completed our new CD! It took longer than expected, but it is here, and we are thrilled with the results. We are getting everything set up on our various sites such as CDBaby, I-Tunes, etc. It will also be available at all our concerts. Stay tuned for 2018 concert dates!


May, 2017

It's been a while since we've posted any updates. We have been very busy with all things music and otherwise. Fortunately we have stayed in relatively good health, and work has been consistent. We head out of state on the 18th, and we'll be on the road until October. We are very excited about performing for our first time in the northern coast of California. We have wanted to explore that area, and now we will have the opportunity to do so. Our new CD project hit a few snags this past winter, but we have scheduled with Rolfe Wyer, recording engineer and bass player extraordinaire, to finish it this summer. For numerous California dates, we will once again be playing with Rolfe and Patrick Feehan. We cannot describe the joy we feel when we get to make music with these 2 wonderful musicians and human beings. We call ourselves the Jennings Keller Combo--not that creative a name, but it works for the moment. We hope to add dates to the calendar, so check back as we continue to book concerts all over the country.

August, 2016

We are camped out by Foster Lake in Oregon, and the mountains in the distance positively sparkle and shimmer in the clear summer light. The days are warm and the nights cool; you can see so many stars that constellations disappear. We have our last Oregon concert tonight and then we head back to California, where we will be for the next month.

Last month was a momentous occasion for me--my niece Jeanie got married in Napa, and it gave me the opportunity to reunite with family I had not seen in many years. I have 5 nieces, aged between 18 and 30, and they are all accomplished, bright and very self-possessed young women. They give me hope for the future. From their confidence and career-mindedness I see how far we, as women, have come.

This month is when we start recording our next CD. We've had a few false starts, but this time around we hope to complete this project. We will be working with the very talented engineer Rolfe Wyer. Rolfe and Patrick Feehan will also be joining us on many of our dates in the Bay area for August and September. Not only are they world-class musicians, they are fun and funny and easy--playing with them reminds us why we do it in the first place--for the joy of it.


June, 2016

On the road again! We are already in Texas, and on our way to New Mexico. We are excited about the various dates we have this year in NM, CA, OR, WA, CO, TX (see 'Tour' page for specific dates and times). We are playing in Washington State for the first time, and we are doubly excited about that. If you are reading this News entry, you can see that we have a new and improved Website! Yep, it was time. The old one was going on 9 yrs., and definitely needed a facelift. Many of you have asked us about the next CD. We will be recording this summer, and hopefully we'll get the songs finished. We look forward to sharing the songs as we get them completed.

On the road again

April, 2016

It has been a while since we've shared any news; sorry about that. This past winter was busy, busy, busy with gigs, songwriting, bookings, odd jobs, motorhome repair, etc. Dana played with a few different bands as well as doing work for hire on recording projects. I have been working with the women at Homestead Correctional, teaching singing and songwriting via ArtSpring ( The women have a graduation presentation coming up the end of the month, and we are busy working on the songs for that event.

We started recording our new CD last Fall with Rolfe Wyer at his studio in Half Moon Bay, CA. We hoped to continue that this past winter, but we got too bogged down with everything else that life presents. However, we are planning to return to the Bay area, and we are blocking out time to complete this new project. We will continue working with Rolfe, and we hope to have Patrick Feehan, a world-class pianist and composer, on board for this CD as well. We have played concerts in CA with both Rolfe and Patrick, and we plan to do that again this summer.

A new website is in the works; hope to have it up and running before we head out on the road in May. We also got some new photos taken for the website big thanks to Linda Carithers for her remarkable photography talents. Here is a picture from that shoot:

Photo Shoot

October, 2015

What a summer tour this has been! We have had the best year since we started out back in 2007. We sold out of 'Mirror With a Memory' (thank you CD Baby for sending us more on the road). We have also had the largest concert turn-outs ever. We have met so many amazing people, and have been able to perform at so many wonderful places. Our hearts are full. Here is a picture of us playing at The San Gregorio General Store in CA with Rolfe Wyer, Tim Seifert, Patrick Feehan and Jay Howlett, all amazing players based out of the Bay area in CA.

Photo by Gary Brewster

We have a few more dates on the road before we return to FL in late Oct. We hope to be playing around the state this winter as well as working on our new CD! Yes, we plan to have a new CD with us for next year. We are so grateful to be able to do what we love. Thank you to all of you who give us this opportunity.

May, 2015

It's been a while since we've shared any news, and plenty has happened that seems newsworthy, at least in our world. We spent much of last year improving our traveling accommodations, and we are in a new(er) motor home with more room and fewer problems. We played around Florida this past winter, meeting many new friends and experiencing new festivals, clubs and house concerts. Can't wait to do it again next season! We leave this month for a 5-month cross-country tour, and we are beyond excited and a bit nervous too. We have dates in AL, TN, AR, TX, NM, AZ, CA and OR, and we're still filling up our calendar for our return trip in the Fall. Can't wait to see so many old friends, and we're looking forward to meeting new ones too. We have plenty of new songs to share, and we are hoping to have some musical collaborations with musicians from all over the country. Please check the 'Calendar' page for updates on where we will be.

June, 2014

The big news for us for this month is that Dana has his own website! It is: If you are interested in having Dana record on one of your music projects, or if you want him as a sideman in your band, this is the site to go to. You can read more about Dana as well as hear some samples of his studio work. He now has the means to record anywhere in the country.

May, 2014

Happy Spring everyone! The rains have started in Florida, and everything is as green as can be! The big news for us this year is that we will not be touring this summer. We had some motor home difficulty which prevented us from making the cross-country tour this year. Fortunately all has been resolved, but it was too late to get the dates together for a tour. We are planning to do a September mini-tour of the East Coast, and we plan to spend some time in New England, playing wherever we can. Dana is getting his own website finalized; that will be posted in the very near future. Meanwhile, we continue to write new songs, and to play wherever we can locally; please check our calendar to see where we will be.

Us playing with Pete and Maura Kennedy at a recent Labyrinth Cafe concert.

November, 2013

We returned to South Florida after one of the best 5-month cross-country tours we have ever had. We played in so many amazing venues, and met so many amazing people from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Colorado! We have always been fortunate to be able to share the stage with other great players, and this summer was no exception. Not only did we get to be on stage with many remarkable musicians, Dana went into recording studios to play pedal steel or dobro in studios all over the country. We are including a picture that was taken at The Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History of us playing with the great Tracy Parker--she is a stellar musician and vocalist!

We will be staying in South Florida for the winter, performing around the state. I am working with ArtSpring ( teaching incarcerated women singing and songwriting. I am also performing at various nursing homes singing for Alzheimer's patients. Dana is doing some recording work, and we are both getting our schedule set for the winter season in Florida. Please check back to see where we will be performing.

Photo by Frank S. Balthis c.2013.

May, 2013

We are on our 2013 5-month tour, and we're very excited about some of the places we are performing at this year. We will be in Texas for most of May, and then we have New Mexico and Arizona for June. By late June, we will be in Southern California. We plan to stay in California for all of July and August, making our home base at a friend's place near Santa Cruz. Lots of dates scheduled, with more in the works. Dana will also be joining other musicians with his pedal steel. Check out our 'Calendar' page for the wheres and whens.

April, 2013


Happy Spring everyone! The winter seemed to fly by for us, and we've got one more month here in Florida before we head out on the road again. We've been busy--Dana has been teaching pedal steel as well as working on new Chet Atkins guitar pieces. I've been teaching singing and songwriting to some amazing women at Homestead Correctional Institution as part of ArtSpring, as well as playing around town. We're both working on new songs, and we have concerts scheduled every weekend this month. We are getting the motor home road-ready, and we will be leaving for Texas the first weekend in May. We are slowly filling up our calendar, and we hope to see old friends and new on our concert stops in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and beyond!

January, 2013

Happy New Year Everybody! We had such a fantastic year last year, and we're hoping for an even better year in 2013. Highlights include completing our third CD 'Mirror With a Memory', which we are very proud of (you can hear samples on our 'Music' page). We've received such good feedback on it, and we plan to have it at all our upcoming concerts. Also, 2012 marked our 6th year touring, and our 4th year going out West, and it was by far our best tour to date. We are so thankful to all of you who show us such kindness and support. You keep us going. We have plans to head out west again this Spring. We are also planning to revisit the East Coast, with a possible tour of New England in 2014.

July, 2012

Mirror with a memory

We are well into our 2012 'Mirror With a Memory' tour, and we finally have the new CD on CD Baby as well as I Tunes. We are pleased as we can be with this new collection of tunes--you can hear samples at CD Baby, and we're sure you will agree with us that the songs sound terrific! We owe this to Brett Segal, who co-produced as well as engineered this CD at his studio 'Shack in the Back Productions'. We have the CD with us, and we are thrilled with the amount of sales happening at our concerts on this tour. We are currently in Southern California, and we head to Oregon next week, where we have a series of dates (check our calendar page for details). We've been having a blast, and we're both enjoying seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and eating the best fish tacos on the planet!

May, 2012

Well, it's finally completed!! 'Mirror With a Memory' is in production, and we plan to have them for sale by the end of the month. We are SO proud of this body of work--we cannot wait to share it with everyone! Please check back often; we'll make sure we post when the CD is available on our website or via CD Baby. It will definitely be with us on our Summer tour, which starts May 19th! Go to our 'Calendar' page to see where we will be--we're going to TX, NM, AZ, CA, OR, CO and more!

March, 2012

So, the recording is taking longer than expected. That is to be expected. However, we are now working with Brett Segal, a brilliant young engineer who runs Shack In The Back Productions. We are really happy with the way our CD is turning out, and we plan on having it with us for our tour this summer. Also, Dana has been playing pedal steel with The Mann Sisters, 2 young women singer-songwriters who are rising stars in the contemporary country market. Check out their website:
Let's all pray to the diesel gods that the price of gas goes down. Otherwise, we'll be busking at truck stops!

December 2011


Another trip around the Sun, and we hope we are a little wiser from the experiences along the way. There is much strife and fear in the world, and much to concern ourselves about. We worry about the future, but at the same time we continue to make music and share in the collective sense of joy that music brings. We have met and spent time with some of the most wonderful and kind people on this planet. We have broken bread and shared wine. We have been very fortunate to share our songs and stories. We have made friends from Florida to Oregon; friends who have opened their homes to us, have given us refuge from the road, have filled our bellies and our souls--kindness that will stay with us forever. As we finish out this year, we give thanks to you who have made us a part of your lives as you are now a part of ours. Dana and I wish you all the warmest of holidays, filled with joy and music. We will keep updating our calendar, and can't wait to see you all again in 2012.

June/July 2011

We're on the road again, and our 20 yr. old motor home is chugging right along, getting us from gig to gig and state to state. We've spent a month in Texas, and Dana was able to play the pedal steel on several occasions, both on stage with a few different country bands, and in the studio. We don't set up the pedal steel too often for our duo shows; it's really a band instrument, and we always enjoy the opportunity to get it out. We have plans to be on the road through Sept. and into October. We have been able to reunite with lots of folks that we see every year; we're also enjoying meeting new people and playing new venues. We will be in New Mexico for a couple of weeks, and then on to Colorado, Oregon, and then California. It's been HOT in Texas; looking forward to cooler places. New songs are in the works, and we've had a lot of requests for our next CD; hope to have it completed by the end of the year.

January, 2011

Happy New Year! How amazing this past year has been. We think back to all the wonderful people, places and experiences we've seen, and we feel blessed. Getting to share our music with such incredible audiences, and getting to see this glorious country from one end to the other is the closest thing to pure joy for us. We are in the process of planning our next trip out, and are writing songs for our next CD.

We are also planning to do some musical collaboration with Nick Annis, an award-winning songwriter and long-time friend.

November, 2010

We are back in Florida after a really amazing 5+ months on the road. We made so many friends from Virginia to Oregon and all points in between. It's great to travel, and it's also great to come home! Dana has been recording with a terrific rock band from Holland called 'Vanderlinde'--check them out on MySpace. We are both working on new songs, and getting settled back into life in South FL. We will be performing around the state for the next few months, so keep checking our calendar page to see where we will be.

July, 2010

Hi Everybody! We're now in Oregon, and it is breathtakingly beautiful. Our big news at the moment is that we won first place in The Breedlove Festival's Songwriting Competition! Our prize was a brand new Breedlove guitar. We also met some terrific folks--thank you Oregonians who made us feel so welcome.

Oregon Guitar
Here is a picture of the new guitar

Here is me and Dana playing at the festival

Here is a nice 'review' from our show at Redwood City's Downtown Library Concert:
"Great dobro, guitar and original lyrics, from deep, to deeply funny, to sublime."--Rosalind Kutter, Redwood City Downtown Library

April, 2010

We head out west in early May and will return in October. We hope to see you all on the road.

Here's a picture of a fan wearing a Jennings & Keller t-shirt (write to inquire if you want one).

January, 2010

Schnebly Redland Winery, along with The Coral Gables Congregational Church, are putting on a fundraising concert event for Haiti on Saturday January 23rd. There will be continuous live music from 6p.m. until 10p.m. featuring Bob Ingram, The Mercurys, Jennings and Keller, and Mr. Nice Guy.

The concert will be held under the winery’s beautiful tiki hut. There will be wine available inside the tasting room, and folks are encouraged to bring a picnic.

The suggested donation is $20, all proceeds going to Coral Gables Congregational Church Haiti Fund. For more information, call 305-242-1224, or e-mail Laurie at

October, 2009

Jennings and Keller are back in Florida and will be performing throughout the state until late spring 2010.

"Susan's House" is now back in stock.

Check out the calendar and our MySpace page to find out where we're headed next.

August, 2009

Jennings and Keller have had such a great time in California, and are sad to see the end of this trip coming near, but they hope to be back soon. It is a lighter schedule this month, and then the return trip home begins at the beginning of September with stops in Texas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. You can hear Jennings and Keller's appearance on "Please Stand By" on KPIG here.
Check out the calendar and our MySpace page to find out where we're headed next.

June, 2009

Jennings and Keller have been traveling and meeting wonderful people, seeing the scenery and performing concerts in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona over the last month.

As the calendar rolls into July, Jennings and Keller's debut release from 2007 is now officially out of print. Recorded on antique equipment, it may be re-recorded and re-printed, but we'll wait to make an announcement on that front. There are a few hard copies of the CD left at CDBaby, and you can of course download the MP3s on iTunes and CDBaby.

In July, Jennings and Keller will start out in southern California (San Diego) and be in San Francisco and Berkeley at the end of the month. There are a few more dates in California in early August, and then the duo heads back east. They'll perform in Oklahoma for the first time in September, and in mid September, they'll return to Florida. Florida-based shows will take place through the end of the year and the beginning of 2010.

Check out the calendar and our MySpace page to find out where we're headed next.

May, 2009

As the Universe Unfolds

Jennings & Keller have completed their follow-up CD to their debut, "Susan's House". The CD is titled "As the Universe Unfolds" and is now available from the Music page on this website. A select number of Jennings & Keller T-shirts will also be available for purchase at shows.

In May 2009, Jennings & Keller will perform in northern Florida, Georgia, and throughout the state of North Carolina, eventually heading to jam and mingle at the Kerrville Folk Festival and a concert in Texas.

In July and early August 2009, they'll perform in California, and over the next few months head back through Oklahoma, Tennessee, and more over the course of June, July, and August 2009, in order to promote their new CD. They will return to Florida in mid-September 2009 and perform a CD release party in October and/or November.

April, 2009

As the Universe Unfolds

Jennings & Keller have completed their follow-up CD to their debut, "Susan's House". The CD is titled "As the Universe Unfolds" and will be available for purchase in May 2009 at this website and at, with an iTunes release available in summer 2009. A select number of Jennings & Keller T-shirts will also be available for purchase at shows.

Jennings & Keller will tour the southeast in May 2009, including the states of Georgia and North Carolina and continue west, performing in the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and back through Oklahoma, Tennessee, and more over the course of June, July, and August 2009, in order to promote their new CD. They will return to Florida in mid-September 2009.

December, 2008

Dana Keller of Jennings & Keller appears on the new Dave Mason record, "26 Letters 12 Notes". Dave Mason is a co-founder of the legendary rock band Traffic. He's played on some of the greatest rock albums in history: Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland, George Harrison's All Things Must Pass, and Delaney & Bonnie's Motel Shot among them. 26 Letters 12 Notes (issued on his own Out of the Box imprint through RED Distribution) is his first new album in a decade. Originally produced by Mason at home in California, additional recording was done in Detroit and Miami. It's a back to basics, '70s style rock and Brit soul record.

From Thom Jurek of All Music Guide:
"There's a beautiful pedal steel here played by Dana Keller that does exactly what it's supposed to do: add a ton of atmosphere without being intrusive."

November, 2008

Running from November 22, 2008 - December 22, 2008 is our holiday sale. We've chopped off $5 of the price of our debut CD, "Susan's House".

A nice mention we found from Colleen Dougher over at Metromix South Florida in the "On the tube" column:
"Jennings and Keller — Mountain." When Miami's Main Street Cafe closed in 2006, Laurie Jennings Oudin started devoting more time to her musical career, and it looks like it's paying off. This recently posted video of her playing "Mountain" with dobro player Dana Keller is enough to make you want to climb one.

October, 2008

We hope you are enjoying the new website, which we debuted last month. Jennings & Keller are hard at work on the follow-up CD to "Susan's House", which was released in 2007.

We're continuing to update the calendar for 2008 and 2009, and here is a quote from Susan Moss regarding Jennings & Keller's recent performance at The Luna Star Cafe:
"...we enjoyed two great sets of original music (three of Dana's own compositions), and a few special covers as well (Dana's dobro solo on While My Guitar Gently Weeps is jaw-droppingly good) - I of course adore Susan's House and, much as I believe Hold Fast the Wheel will always be my favorite of Laurie's self-penned tunes, it was a delight to hear some brand new ones: Mountains of Miami, Propane, My Baby Wants to Be a Bell Ringer... Stunning voice, smart lyrics, great musicianship... most definitely worth leaving the house for on a rainy Saturday night..."

August, 2008

Laurie was recently profiled in the ArtSpring Summer Newsletter. You can read the interview by downloading the PDF file.

July, 2008

You can now pick up a copy of our debut CD, "Susan's House", at the popular outlet for independent artists, . Check out the site.

February, 2008

Have motor home, will travel! We have lots of exciting new places we are venturing to this year. Check our 'Calendar' page for upcoming dates and locations.

April, 2007

This has been quite a year for us! As the old saying goes, 'When one door closes, another opens'. As sad as it was for us to see the doors of The Main Street Cafe close for good, our musical life has taken a huge leap forward. We completed our debut CD 'Susan's House' , and have been getting accepted at various festivals around the country. We have purchased a motor home which will allow us to travel to wherever the music leads us.

Finalist: 2007 South Florida Folk Festival Songwriter Competition
Finalist: 2007 Suwannee SpringFest Songwriter Competition
Finalist: 2007 Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival Songwriter Competition
Finalist: 2007 SolarFest Songwriting Competition
Emerging Artist Showcase: 2007 Falcon Ridge Folk Festival